A Vegan Lifestyle Blog

Growing up my dad called me "Gina Beana Fagiolena," or "little bean" in Italian. He never could have guessed that I'd become a vegan, but the nickname suits me more now than ever. Read on to learn about all things vegan: fashion, books, food and more.

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Saturday, February 6, 2010

What to do with all that leather...?

Becoming totally fashionable vegan isn't the easiest thing to do after living a life full of leather jackets, bags, shoes and belts. Realistically, it just seems too expensive to just get rid of all the leather I own and replace them with vegan things instead.

If you have been similarly perplexed, how about upcycling your old leather into new things? Check out reMade USA, which will either sell you an upcycled leather purse made from other people's (or your own) jackets. Or send in your own leather jacket and get $20 off a ready-to-order.

Some of us may be opposed to any leather at all, but some of us may be open to just not supporting the production of new leather fashions by avoiding the purchase of anything new. It may not be perfectly vegan, but it is definitely a step in the right direction.

Want more ideas? Go to EcoStiletto for a list of a ton of cute sustainable fashions.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Fagiolina! great information. I definitely respect those who choose to stay away from leather because the life of an animal was taken for its production, but I wonder about durability and quality of "leather-like" items. I am sure you can appreciate a great pair of shoes made from quality leather. Nothing irks me more than paying for something that don't stand the test of time. Do you really think it's reasonable to completely abandon quality?
